Cave story soundtrack downloads
Cave story soundtrack downloads

cave story soundtrack downloads

Weapon located in the Mimiga Village – Assembly Hall fireplace. Find it in Santa’s House in the Bushlands.Īmmo is unlimited, and collecting XP changes the number of fireballs thrown. The fireball works just like the fire flower from Super Mario Bros - when thrown, the fireball bounces down (or up) slopes. The blast radius and long range makes it ideal for destroying groups of enemies, and it remains useful for the entire game. Like the Polar Star, is can be enhanced with 20XP. Enemies will drop rockets randomly when defeated. It dishes out explosive damage, but has limited ammo (10 Rockets standard). The powerful Missile Launcher is located in the Egg Corridor – Egg Observation Room. Has unlimited ammo, and can be upgraded up to Level 3 with 20XP. The starting weapon of Cave Story+ is found in the Hermit Gunsmith’s Abode in the First Cave. Some weapons can be upgraded / enhanced as you progress - increased ammo, more damage, etc. Find them all with the following locations. There are 10 unique weapons available in Cave Story+.

  • Cave Story+: All Key Items Locations | Keys, Badges & More.
  • Cave Story+: All Life Capsule Locations | Health Upgrades Guide.
  • Cave story soundtrack downloads how to#

    Cave Story+: How To Get The Best Ending.Check out where (and how) to get every single optional weapon with the locations below. Many of these weapons are hard to miss, but a few are totally secret. Then there’s the powerful Missile Launcher and it’s upgraded Super Missile Launcher form.

    cave story soundtrack downloads

    Some have to be traded, giving up your basic pistol to get the Snake, the Spur or the Machine Gun. Weapons aren’t just useful tools to destroy enemies in Cave Story+, some of them can help you access areas you couldn’t normally reach. Unlock a full arsenal in Cave Story+ with all the weapon locations, including the Super Missile Launcher, the Machine Gun, and more.

    Cave story soundtrack downloads